Event: ‘The Liberal-Tory Coalition of 1915’

As we enter the final months of the present Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition, it is an appropriate time to look back to a previous partnership between the two parties in the 100th anniversary of its formation. In May 1915, following political and military setbacks during the First World War, Liberal prime minister H.H. Asquith brought senior figures from the opposition parties into his government. This meeting – held jointly with the Liberal Democrat History Group – will look in detail at the background to the formation of the Asquith coalition and go on to consider its performance in government before its dramatic fall in December 1916.
Dr. Ian Packer – Acting Head of the School of History and Heritage at Lincoln University, and author of a number of books on Edwardian and Liberal politics – will look at the coalition from the Liberal side
Dr. Nigel Keohane – who now works at the Social Market Foundation and is the author of The Conservative Party and the First World War – will consider the coalition from a Conservative perspective.
Chairman: The Earl of Oxford and Asquith (Raymond Asquith), the great-grandson of H.H. Asquith and the recently elected hereditary member of the Liberal Democrat team in the House of Lords.
(Please note that the meeting will be preceded by the Liberal Democrat History Group’s AGM at 6.30 p.m., which is open only to their members.)

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